The updates on the actual trip have been a bit slow because last week was spring break, meaning that very little has happened in the way of meeting/planning. However, my mom did give me details from the conversation she had with Dale Hollenbeck (one of the missionaries overseeing us in Mbarara) a few weeks ago. There are two schools that I may be working in, one that is within walking distance and the other that is--well, I'm not sure how far it is but it's an international school. This may mean the difference between my walking to school with kids and my riding to school on the back of a crazy-fast Ugandan motorcycle taxi. The interns will be receiving some specialized training from the Hollenbecks and Boyetts while we are there, meaning that they will be teaching us in evangelism, Bible orality (how to effectively tell Bible stories, the African way of evangelism), finances (not just missionary budget but also how to handle people on the streets who ask you for money), and other things, on top of mentoring us in our callings. WOW. There are two families that he is going to ask about keeping us for our culture-stay, and I'll let you know about them when I hear more. Also, as of today, it ends up that the short-term group will be coming with us to Mbarara as well, meaning that for the first 3-4 weeks there will be 10 of us Covenant kids there, not just the three interns.
Oh yes, and the best part of the trip: the possibility of swimming in hotel pools and Thursday volleyball nights!
--JUST kidding.
Over the last few weeks, I have been in awe at how much God has blessed me with the support of so many people. Every time I've received something in the mail--whether it be a financial gift or just a note saying "we love and support you"--I've felt overwhelming gratitude. God has provided so many people who WANT to be a part of what He's doing through me. Last Sunday, I spoke to my home church, Evergreen, about what's going on, and afterwards I had three people come up to talk to me about how excited they were. Then, today, I received a card in the mail with little messages and a 90-day devotional in it from folks in the church. The support is genuine, and I'm so excited to be sharing this trip!
Things that still need to happen:
-final thrift store shopping trip for teacher-type clothes
-yellow fever and typhoid shots (which are actually quite costly, meaning that my babysitting money for the next few weeks is going straight through a needle and into my arm.)
Two big prayer needs in Uganda:
-ongoing prayer for the invisible children crisis and the defeat of the LRA. For those who don't know, the LRA ("Lord's Resistance Army"), led by a man named Joseph Kony, is fighting to overthrow the government and abducts thousands of children to fight in their war. I would suggest going to youtube and looking up "Invisible Children documentary" to get more information. It's horrific.
-the current issue about the homosexual law that they are trying to pass there, which, if passed, will possibly mean death for those who are homosexual.
8 more weeks everybody! Woohoo!
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